Top 8 Peaks to Venture in Ladakh

Top 8 Peaks to Venture in Ladakh
Author : Admin
Date : 24 Jun 2019
Categories: Adventure

Nun (7135 meters)

Nun is the highest peak in the part of the Himalayan range lying on the Indian side of the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir. It is a part of Nun Kun mountain massif. The massif is located near the Suru valley, about 250 km (160 mi) east of Srinagar. Best time to attempt the peak is in the post monsoon months. 

Kun (7087 meters)

The Kun Peak is a part of Nun Kun mountain massif. It is the second highest summit of the massif with elevation of 23,219 feet in the eastern Himalayan Range. The Kun Peak is located north of Nun Peak. The Nun Kun mountain massif is located near the Suru valley, about 250 km (160 mi) east of Srinagar.

Kangyatse (6400 meters) 

The way up the Kangyatse peak (6400 metres) is easier than the other mountains and once you are on the top you would be surprised with wonder as you see the mountain ranges and the beautiful green valley lying beneath. The peak adjacent to Gang yartse is more technical and less preferred.


Matho West (6230 metres)

Close to Leh this peak is better known as Matho Kangri, Matho being the village below it. Matho west trek starts from Martselang near Hemis monastery and the trek finishes at Stok Village after Climbing the Summit.   


Kangyatse (6200 meters)

Kangyatze (6200 metres) is one of the famous spot for mountaineers and the adventurous people. The peak is higher than the surrounding mountain ranges. You will be able to witness enchanting views from the top.


Mentok Kangri (6227 meters)

This is a lovely peak on a long ridge running south from Korzok village on the shores of the Tsomoriri Lake. In July and August the entire Korzok valley is green with wild flowers giving the peak its name. Mentok in Tibetan and Ladakhi means 'flower'. In some old maps this peak has been named Mata.


Go-leb Kangri (6120 meters)

Go-Leb in Ladakhi means 'flathead' and the summit of the peak is actually flathead. The last stretch of the peak is technical and you require a little bit of knowledge about mountaineering for attempting this peak. Go-Leb is also close to Leh and to summit the peak you need at least 4-5 days. 


Stok Kangri (6140 meters)

Stok Khangri stands very close to Leh and is named after the Stok village. It is easy to climb from the north side. The shortest time required is 4-5 days. One should have enough time to acclimatise in Leh before Climbing Stok Khangri. 


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