Highlights of Spituk Gustor Festival

Highlights of Spituk Gustor Festival
Author : Admin
Date : 07 Jan 2019
Categories: Festival

Spituk Gustor is one of the most significant festivals that Ladakh offers. It is celebrated in the courtyard of the Spituk monastery and a large number of people flock together to witness the two-day festival. Every year Spituk Gustor Festival is held in the eleventh month of the Tibetan calendar. So, this year Spituk Gustor was celebrated on 3rd and 4th January amidst winter. Before the festival starts, prayers are conducted for a week by the monks and they take permission from the protectors to unveil the amulet which remains covered whole year.


The purpose of celebrating this festival is for the welfare of all sentient beings and for world peace. During the festival, lamas perform cham or mask dances which are performed only by lamas. The dances symbolize the destruction of evil spirits. The festival concludes with the burning of “storma” (sacrificial cake) which is a symbol of destroying the evil for the year. People believe that the festival is known for bringing peace, prosperity, and harmony among them.

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